792 product imageBG Syncro Shift II

BG Syncro Shift® II is a specially formulated gear lubricant designed for front wheel drive manual transmissions. 

Automatic transmission fluid and other light lubricants are often recommended for use in transfer case, manual transmission, and trans-axle applications. Because these fluids are light viscosity, low film strength fluids they do not fully protect all components. Manual transmissions and trans-axle applications induce severe fluid shearing, greatly sacrificing wear protection.

BG Syncro Shift® II Full Synthetic Gear Lubricant is a professional-use product designed for manual transmissions, trans-axles and transfer cases. It provides thermal stability, low-temperature fluidity, hot rattle suppression, noise dampening at operating temperature, outstanding extreme pressure characteristics, shear stability, smoother shifting characteristics, wear reduction (synchronizer, gears, bearings, shift fork), seal compatibility, and reduced maintenance costs. 

Product code 792

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